The UC Irvine Center for Statistical Consulting provides statistical and intellectual support to students, staff and faculty at the University of California, Irvine and as well as investigators from area businesses as well as other universities. The Center’s activities cover all aspects of the statistical design, analysis and interpretation of investigations in science and industry. Beyond just conducting data analysis, our services provide a holistic approach to our clients by providing assistance at all stages of project development from study design through final publication.
Upcoming Events
We assist investigators of all levels with:
- Grant proposal development
- Research collaboration
- Leadership on program project statistical & data coordinating cores
- Study design, statistical analysis plan
- Power and sample size calculation
- Data analysis and interpretation, statistical advice
- Manuscript/Poster/Abstract review and preparation
- Response to reviewers
- IRB applications
- Biostatistical education including
- Seminars on biostatistics
- Training in the use of statistical software
- Research database design
Our consultants provide statistical expertise over a wide range of specialties, including modern techniques for regression, clustering and classification, survival and longitudinal data, experiments and observational studies, time series, graphical models, and problems with missing data. Please feel free to inquire about our services.