Workshop Outline:
- Statistical methods: to explore the effects of patients’ demographic and clinical factors on health outcomes, participants will learn four multivariable regression models for four different types of outcomes:
- Linear regression for continuous outcomes such as biomarker levels
- Logistic regression for binary outcomes such as treatment success or failure
- Cox regression for time-to-event outcomes
- Generalized linear regression for longitudinal outcomes that are measured sequentially over time from the same patients.
- SPSS program: participants will have an opportunity to
- Perform statistical procedures using mouse clicks on the drop-down menu in SPSS
- Learn how to interpret SPSS outputs
- Learn how to edit and present SPSS outputs in manuscript
How to access free version of SPSS
Participants are welcome to use their own SPSS program (version v26 or v27). For those who do not have SPSS, please use the free program from UCI OIT Virtual Computer Lab. UCI OIT offers free access to SPSS when you log into the Virtual Computer Lab using your UCINetID:
- Open the following link: UCI Virtual Computing Lab to log into the virtual computer lab using your UCINETID
- Once you are in the virtual computer lab, click on the button ‘LAUNCH’. A new window will pop up, showing many applications including ‘IBM SPSS’.
- Double-click on ‘IBM SPSS’ icon to open the SPSS application